eldritch aule.

Home of J.O.Welch

About the entity author.

A goofy looking drawing of J.O.Welch with a comedically orange rectungular head.

J.O.Welch (aka eldritch aule.) is a thing supposedly creating “art” via the written word.

He describes himself as a lover of the fantasy and sci-fi genre, having obsessed over the works of J.R.R Tolkien and the tabletop roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons from a young age. He has spent much of his teen years and early adult life typing away at a keyboard, recording his strange hallucinations of nonexistent escapist realities that he, for some reason, believes could entertain others.

Despite his apparent early onset lunacy, Welch continues to create new fictional worlds and (what I can only guess are meant to be) stories among his many other assignments at his university, where he is majoring in English. I do not know why he chose this major. He was already taught the English language as a baby and will be unable to produce any financial gain from the degree. Some may find this persistence in the face of failure noble. Not me, though.

A few examples of Welch’s work can be found in the Projects tab, free of charge (thank god.) Some of his thoughts on other topics, as well as his insane rants, are in the Blog tab. I don't know who would want to see those, but you can.